A flatbed truck (flat trailer) which is used to transport bulky, large, heavy and oversized cargo. The use of a flatbed truck extends across industries, whether it is being used for transportation, construction, or general manufacturing, these trucks add specialized solutions to any fleet operation.

Flatbed trucks are used for carrying oversized loads or products with unusual shapes. Even if your business doesn't require you to move what might be considered generic or unique hauling materials like crates or steel, flatbeds are essential for towing, agriculture or dumping.

When making a business decision to use a flatbed truck certain factors must be considered such as load size, weight, and the need for loading aids and unloading/dumping aids. Flat bedding size and design are necessary to accommodate wide varieties of massive cargo,

Flatbed truck sizes can vary in how big the cab and engine of the truck are, but what always stays the same is the flat trailer in tow which acts as a bed for large cargo.

Flatbed Trucks Dimensions

- Length: 48'

- Width: 8' 6"

- Height: 5'

- Load Height: 8' 6"

- Total Height Limit with Cargo: 13' 6"

How Long is a Flatbed Trailer?

A flatbed is typically 48' long and can be up to 53' long. Regular flatbeds are 48' in length, while the 53-foot varieties are less common. There are also stretch flatbeds.

How Wide is a Flatbed Truck

The maximum legal width of a flatbed is 102 inches (8' 6"). Any larger width would most likely be considered a wide load in the United States and would require a permit.

Flatbed Weight Limit

The weight limit for flatbed trucks varies by state. Typically, the gross weight of the trailer, cab and cargo cannot be more than 80,000 pounds without a permit. This means the cargo weight limit is about 48,000 pounds.

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